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  1. 2255/2255 Apprendi Drug Quantity Mtn Judgment Pleadings 2000.htm Thu 5 Feb 2009
  2. OverbroadSRconditionsReplyBrf Tue 7 Jan 2014
  3. SupervisedRelease/Early Termination Probation Memo 2005.htm Fri 5 Feb 2010
  4. SupervisedRelease/Early Termination Probation Memo 2008.htm Fri 5 Feb 2010
  5. SupervisedRelease/Early Termination Supervised Release Denial of RDAP Early Release 2003.htm Thu 5 Feb 2009
  6. Federal Defender Services of Idaho Brief Bank Page Tue 28 Apr 2015
  7. Suppression/CI Government Agent & Insufficient Search Warrant 4th Amend Memo 2004.htm Thu 5 Feb 2009
  8. Suppression/Detention & Auto Search 4th Amend Memo 1994.htm Thu 5 Feb 2009
  9. Suppression/Detention of Driver & Search of Car 4th Amend Memo 2002.htm Thu 5 Feb 2009
  10. Suppression/Detention of Driver & Search of Car 4th Amend Standing Supp Memo 2002.htm Thu 5 Feb 2009
  11. Suppression/Detention of Passenger 4th Amend & PreMiranda 5th Amend Memo 2001.htm Thu 5 Feb 2009
  12. Suppression/Dog Alert Automobile Search 4th Amend Memo 2007 (redacted).htm Tue 9 Feb 2010
  13. Suppression/Exceed Scope Search Warrant 4th Amend Memo 2000.htm Thu 5 Feb 2009
  14. Suppression/Franks Hearing Search Warrant 4th Amend Memo 2003 (redacted).htm Tue 9 Feb 2010
  15. Suppression/Franks Hearing Search Warrant 4th Amend Reply 2003 (redacted).htm Tue 9 Feb 2010
  16. Suppression/Insufficient & Overbroad Search Warrant & Franks Hearing 4th Amend Memo 2007 (redacted).htm Tue 9 Feb 2010
  17. Suppression/Insufficient & Overbroad Search Warrant 4th Amend Memo 2006.htm Thu 5 Feb 2009
  18. Suppression/Insufficient Search Warrant & Franks Omissions & Plain View Firearms 4th Amend Memo 2011 (redacted).htm Tue 21 Jun 2011
  19. Appeals/Petition for Rehearing.htm Tue 12 Mar 2013
  20. Suppression/Insufficient Wiretap Search Warrant 4th Amend Memo 2011.pdf Mon 20 Apr 2015
  21. Suppression/Invalid Miranda & Involuntary Statement 5th Amend & Failure to Advise Consulate Motion 2002.htm Thu 5 Feb 2009
  22. Suppression/Invalid Miranda & Unknowing Waiver 5th Amend 2010.pdf Mon 20 Apr 2015
  23. Suppression/Invalid Miranda Warning Counsel 5th Amend Motion 2012.pdf Mon 20 Apr 2015
  24. Suppression/Invalid Miranda Warning Counsel 5th Amend Supp Memo 2012.pdf Mon 20 Apr 2015
  25. Suppression/Inventory Search 4th Amend Memo 2000.htm Thu 5 Feb 2009
  26. Suppression/Involuntary Consent 4th Amend Memo 2003.htm Thu 5 Feb 2009

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